Hope and Smile

Many people know some of my back story, but some don’t understand my smile. People wonder do I cry sure, but at home and possibly in the shower. You know why I smile, because I keep that glimmer of hope and faith in my heart that one day, I’ll get that big  break and possible that person that would be honored to have me in my life forever.

Not many people know, I wake up everyday at 5AM. I don’t have a job, but I wake up everyday with hope with the intent of having one. I do have an internship, that I take very seriously, because you never know what opportunity may come out of it. Three to four days out of the week I walk from my house to the bus stop .4miles I take the 650 bus to the metro station. I get on the orange line and ride that to metro center and ride it to the noma stop, from there, I walk .7 miles. I walk into the with a smile on my face, not because of pay, but because of the opportunity I am granted. After being there for sometimes almost 10 hrs, I walk or get a ride back to the metro station and go back to Vienna. Since all bus activity stops at around 9pm, sometimes I have to have an UBER (avg ride home $13). I planned three events for this weekend, and I can’t attend any of them, but I can smile and say, I did a great job of planning and communicating and those clients will love the outcome.

I bet many of you are wondering how am I affording this. Well, I do get a bit of pension from the military. With that money I buy almost enough groceries to last me the month (I’m often going a week without, but that’s what’s water is for 🙂 ). I’m not on public assistance or anything, before jump to conclusions, I just try to balance out with what I am blessed with. On Sundays, I walk to church and then back home.

It’s funny how I would take advantage of simple things, like driving to the mall, movies, dc, or back home. But my title is, “how i survive?” I survive by faith, hope and the willpower of myself. Some people complain of not getting what they want, but I try to tell them be thankful for what you have. I’m blessed that I can come home and lay my head down on a bed. I may only have $.22 to my name, but I know I can take a hot shower after walking; I thought about that when I had an interview this week.

I went to an interview, that was a little out the way, but I took the bus, got on the train and walked 1 mile to where it was located. I still smiled and was grateful for the opportunity. It took my last bit of money, but hey I kept hope. Did I get the position, I don’t know as of yet.

What made me write this is because, I was just sitting here, and received a letter of rejection. I didn’t get upset, but I politely sent an email thanking them for their time, consideration and notifying me of their decision. What made me smile, the person who senthope the letter, responded,”what a gracious response! thank you Natasha and best wishes.” Sometimes, leaving a lasting impression may open doors.

So sometimes when you might see me, I may look a little tired, pained,weak, or hungry, but you will see me smiling. I know people say this, but really think about it, there is someone always worse than you are. When you have a bad day at work, just thank and praise God that you can say you had a bad day at work . 🙂 Pray this makes someone’s day a little brighter.

Have a happy and blessed weekend 🙂

2 thoughts on “Hope and Smile

  1. Thank you for this! I am going through some things myself. This really encouraged me to continue to have faith and press forward. God bless you!


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